Dear Pam Levy,
My name is Jason Rue and I would like to tell you about myself,
and how I started Roo’s Hand-Made Pens and Pencils.
I am fourteen years old and live in Orange Park, Florida.
I am a Freshman at Clay County High School where I am a member
of the National Junior Honor Society, am enrolled in honors
classes, and on the Clay High Junior Varsity football team.
I enjoy fishing, playing golf, and working with my pen business.
Last May I was looking through a stack of magazines and came
across your Penn State Industries catalog. My Dad and I talked
for the next few weeks about starting a business, did a little
research, and agreed this sounded like a good idea to create
a business. Besides, it sounded like a lot of fun and it has
turned out to be just that.
We called in and ordered a Carba-Tec4 Mini Lathe and everything
necessary to get started. The videos were very helpful in
figuring out how to get started. At that point, we just jumped
in. After a few weeks, I was turning out pens that were so
great looking they surprised everyone. One thing led to another
and my business was off the ground. After four months, I have
made about 60 pens and sold 46 of them. I have paid off my
initial investment and am actually making money. It’s
great because I can make pens at my own pace and make my own
hours. I am also learning how to run a small business. I am
really enjoying making pens and want to get started learning
how to do other projects like turning bowls. I would truly
recommend this as a hobby or a business to anyone.

Jason Rue