Late Spring 2011

April 7th, 2011

Dear Educator,
We hope you will incorporate PSI products into next year’s curriculum. We have produced a FREE DVD and year-long lesson plan for teachers to set up a program using PSI state-of-the-art mini lathes, tools, and easy, fun to make project kits.
Our cover features a photograph of a Freedom Pen crafted by a student of Steven Toliver, Breckenridge Junior High School, Breckenridge TX. Please click here for information about The Freedom Pen Project and the thank you notes sent by grateful military pen recipients. If you would like to submit photographs to be included in this catalogue, please visit our website. Click here for tips on taking digital photographs suitable for printing.
Our School Products Division is available to answer any questions and to help you get started. You can call me 7 days a week from 9am until 11pm EST. (Call me at 1-800-847-8984 or email me with an area code, phone number and a time that is convenient for you.)

Pam Levy

School Products Manager

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